Qabli Pulao Recipe

Ingredients Water Rice Salt Vineger Black pepper Garam masala Cumin seeds Oil Carrots Raisins Almonds Saffron mixed with hot milk Instructions Take a pan put water in it Add little bit of salt and vineger boil it and then put already soaked rice in it boil 75% of rice and drain off extra water Pass cold water immediately over rice keep them aside Now take another pan heat oil add onions in it fry till it gets brown Take onions out Now put chicken or already boiled beef and fry it Add cumin seeds and garam masala after chicken/beef becomes soft Pour mixture of hot water and sugar over it Leave it aside Now take another pan heat oil put already sliced carrots in it fry till its color gets changed Now put raisins already soaked in water till it gets popped Add mixture of hot water and simple sugar or brown sugar to caramalize carrots and raisins take it out on an alumunium foil and fold it like this Now take a big pan to make layers Put ...