Qabli Pulao Recipe

Black pepper
Garam masala
Cumin seeds
Saffron mixed with hot milk

Take a pan put water in it
Add little bit of salt and vineger boil it and then put already soaked rice in it
boil 75% of rice and drain off extra water
Pass cold water immediately over rice
keep them aside
Now take another pan heat oil add onions in it fry till it gets brown
Take onions out
Now put chicken or already boiled beef and fry it

Add cumin seeds and garam masala after chicken/beef becomes soft

Pour mixture of hot water and sugar over it
Leave it aside
Now take another pan heat oil
put already sliced carrots in it
fry till its color gets changed
Now put raisins already soaked in water till it gets popped
Add mixture of hot water and simple sugar or brown sugar to caramalize carrots and raisins
take it out on an alumunium foil and fold it like this

Now take a big pan to make layers
Put half of already boiled rice in it
Put some brown onions over it
and some chicken/beef mixture
add some more cumin and garam masala and black pepper
Burry some carrots and raisins here as shown in picture below which gona be use to garnish later on

Now make another layer of rice and repeat same process as above
put some carrots and raisins on top layer

Do not put this pan directly on flame
take a flate cooking plate and put pan over it on very low flame
Cover pan tightly with lid so that no steam comes out till 75% cooked rice becomes cooked completely
Put it on low flame like this for 30 minutes
Uncover it,mix layers and serve delicious qabli pulao with almonds safron raisins and carrots over it :)


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