Baby's 11 Month's Update (Milestones & Activities)

Height 72 cm Teeth 9 (6 upper 3 lower ) 27 April another upper tooth on left side canine (cuspid) erupted 28 april upper right tooth canine (cuspid) erupted 30 April clapped for the first time while watching cartoons Fell off from cot to bed Started mimicking 14 May lower left side 1 tooth ( lateral incisor) erupted Tried to pickup things with index finger and thumb 18 May moved from highchair to floor all alone without making any noise while I was in kitchen :p She started shaking hand She started doing highfive randomly Knows how to do fake coughs ;) Places Dragon mart International city New food Started to take fresh fruit juices this month Activities It was her first ramzan so we did some decoration for her We did her hands and feet printing activity Dress for 11 months photoshoot We made 11 with nail paints it was such a hard thing to do because she started moving soo much in this month and she nev...