Easy Raita Recipe

If you are going to host a dinner or lunch and you have to prepare all other time taking dishes just make simple and easy side dishes which looks tasty and yummy yet easy to make and less time taking Here is an easy and yummy raita recipe for which you dont have to cut all other vegetables which are difficult to cut and takes more time,for me cutting onions and bringing tears in my eyes is a big deal :D So I usually avoid to cut and skip it for most of dishes as possible as I can ;) Presenting an easy raita recipe here Ingredients Yogurt Salt Cumin seeds Green chillies Cucumber Method Take yogurt in a bowl and whisk it Cut cucumber and green chillies Put in bowl Add salt and cumin seeds and mix Add whisked yogurt in this bowl Sprinkle some cumin seeds on top Yummy and easy raita is ready :) I love it to serve with pulao